Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Erik . . . I think we're pregnant!"

So I had imagined this moment in my daydreams for the past 2.5 years of how I would tell my husband that we were expecting our first child. For those of you who don't know us that well, I had always said kids were a maybe. My husband on the other hand would have a house full of them. So for the big reveal (as I had it planned) I purchased these really adorable doggy t-shirts to put on the girls. I was going to cook one of his favorite meals and be waiting at the door with the dogs, and it was going to be perfect. This was approximately 2 years ago. After the heartache of 2 years of trying to get pregnant, watching all of our friends including so many of our acquintances via facebook get pregnant, 3 failed attempts at artificial insemination, my well laid plans just didn't seem relevant anymore. We had essentially given up. We were both ok with this choice. Honestly I had come to grips with the reality of it all sooner than my husband. I never realized how badly I wanted to have a child until someone told me it was going to be this hard. So I stopped taking the prenatal vitamins, stopped taking the fertility drugs, upped my insurance to a higher deductible plan (to save money on a monthly basis), and we had started the adoption process as I outlined on here just a few short months ago. We were super excited about what was in store for our family. We knew that God was in control, and somewhere out there a woman was going to see us as the perfect fit for her child. And all would be perfect in the world...

Then Sunday December 8, our world was literally turned upside down in the most amazing way possible! I had just returned from Orlando from a work trip where I had a lot of fun (if you know what I mean . . . drinking and roller coasters sort of fun!). I wasn't feeling particularly well that whole weekend after I returned, but at first, I chalked it up to traveling and the fact I had returned from 80 degree weather to the snowpocalypse that was in Northwest Arkansas. Beth (my "twin" sister) had texted me while I was in Orlando and told me she had a dream that I was pregnant, but I kept telling myself there was absolutely no way. I had taken so many pregnancy tests to only see the one lonely pink line, I was scared out of my mind to let my hopes get up. But on that Sunday night, I decided to prove myself right (that I wasn't pregnant), and I would take a test. I didn't tell Erik I was doing it because I always felt bad when he would get excited. I would do this on my own, there would be one pink line and all would return to normal. So I did it. I waited about 2 minutes because patience isn't my strong suit and I looked. There was the solid pink line . . .  but right beside . . . could it be? REALLY? Was I really seeing what I thought I was seeing. Don't get me wrong it was faint, very faint, but I could have sworn there was a second pink line. I pull out the instructions and it indicated any second pink line means a positive pregnancy test. So instead of going with my well laid plans as discussed above, I go running into the living room and yell "Erik . . .  I think we're pregnant." Four pregnancy tests later we felt certain that we really were pregnant, and then a trip to the doctor confirmed. Two agonizing weeks later we went for our first ultrasound. I didn't want to let everyone know how insanely nervous I was. I had all the symptoms, and I kept telling myself everything had to be fine, but until you see that baby and the beating heart, you worry. Even after, you worry. I know this is what people talk about no matter how old your kids are, you worry about them. 

So now I'm officially 8 weeks. I won't say it's been an easy couple of weeks since finding out. I have determined that a man had to coin the term "morning sickness" because apparently he saw his wife sick in the morning and assumed that was it. It's an all day sickness that only goes away when I'm sleeping so I'm counting down to the blessed second trimester for some relief. Other than that and being insanely tired all the time, I really can't complain. Erik and I got really sick this past weekend. Just a nasty cold, but enough to make us both really lazy. So far food wise, I'm not eating a whole lot. Fruit and Mexican food is my go-to right now. Chicken is about the only meat that I can eat. Work is getting crazy which is worrying me since I'm beyond tired and nauseous all the time. It should make for a very interesting January. 

I can't thank everyone enough for their prayers and thoughts over the past few months. We are beyond blessed with amazing friends and family. We look forward to sharing this next adventure with each of you! 

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